Service Area

BJ Micro Lab provides a comprehensive suite of services to support your research endeavors. Our team of experts utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver high-quality results.

Nucleic Acid Extraction

This includes DNA extraction, RNA extraction, and cDNA synthesis.

PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)

This includes RT-PCR, Conventional PCR, Nested PCR.

DNA Analysis

This includes DNA/RNA quantification and Sanger Sequencing.

Microbial Testing

This includes antimicrobial test, Antifungal testing, MIC, and Biochemical test.


Choose Your Plan

Antimicrobial Test

1000 Test

Antifungal Testing

1000 Test


1500 Test

Biochemical Test

500 Test

Endospore Staining

250 Bacteria

Gram Staining

250 Bacteria

Primer Designing

1500 Primer

Primer Synthesis

100 Base

Primer Optimization

3000 Primer

DNA/RNA Quantification

500 Sample

DNA Extraction

1000 Sample

DNA Extraction

1200 Sample

RNA Extraction

(All kind of samples)
1000 Sample

cDNA Synthesis

1000 Sample


1000 Sample

Conventional PCR

1000 Sample

Nested PCR

1200 Sample

PCR Product Purification

1000 Sample

Sanger Sequencing

5000 Sample
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